Tuesday, January 24, 2006

At the counter in the Bloomsbury shop I discovered that:
1. I got a free divine chocolate bar with my copy of The Independent
2. They not only have a 25p offer on student newspapers (inflation that- used to be 20p), but the Economist was £1 off too!


Anyway, interesting bits from the letters section:

From the "press secretary to minister mentor, singapore": a letter about unfounded statements Devan Nair made about Mr Lee, published in Economist's obituary on DN. That was headed "Devan Nair" and followed by their apology. I never knew about the alcoholism or the lawsuit against DN, not that I knew anything much about him anyway, shall look for a copy of that obituary....

From some guy in California: a letter under the header "Evolving Faith".
Excerpt: "I am amazed at your faith in evolution... My faith requires only one mechanism: God's love. Yours requires three: that something can come of nothing, that rocks can spontaneously spawn living things (life from inorganic elements) and that genetic mutations can turn flatworm into an Einstein. You win; there's no doubt that your faith far outweighs mine."

From some guy in Hong Kong: a short one under "Happy union".
Excerpt: "...I believe that we should all be in favour of same-sex nuptials. After all, why should gays be exempt from misery?" Oh dear.

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