Monday, December 19, 2005


I can see my holidays zooming past already, and am "counting up the calories" while "counting down to christmas" as the ad at the bus stop shouts. No thanks to sainsbury's and tesco's luring me with the offer of saving £3.85 each time I buy two tubs of ice-cream, when I could actually save £4 by not buying them at all. Consumer irrationality prevails.

It's nice that these winter days are so sunny and bright though it feels almost like some illusion, some trick being played on my eyes because the rays bring with them no heat or warmth.

Ice-cream, frozen grapes, frozen blueberries keep the winter blues at bay. Kind of like 以毒攻毒! And wonderful people provide the magical warmth, like Mr Tumnus and the Beavers did for the children in the midst of Jadis's winter. :)

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