Well, actually time-at-home is not directly correlated to blogging frequency because when I am free and unburdened by the need to work, I spend time doing other things like watching TV and strumming the guitar, washing clothes/dishes and tidying up my room (which perpetually needs tidying), or reading (aha- see, profitable use of time). SO, it's only when I need to do work that I compulsively turn to blogging! Terrible terrible.
Though it could be explained simply and intuitively by the fact that after I have spent a considerable amount of time typing, I become extremely aware that I have wasted this amount of time, and then morph into super-focused mode and become alot more productive without feeling drained at the end of it from spending too much time in un-focused mode. So, because I have subconsciously processed this knowledge, everytime I have to work, my body tells me to blog blog blog so I'll be more efficient later! Ha. WHO am I kidding. :P
Two shows I watched recently: one a play the other a film. Well not really recently, more like many weeks back. And I loved both!
Death of a Salesman

I haven't really watched many plays, but even from our slightly restricted-viewing circle seats, it was a brilliant show. Really emotionally and mentally and physically draining though. The acting was so intense I think I kind of forgot I was watching a play in the middle of it. It's like a drama of lives unfolding in a very real very believable space before your eyes, and the humanness of it was so piercing. Human fragility, frailty showing through the self-delusions of grandeur and success and endless secrets. Will remember this performance for quite awhile to come I think.. but, they talk about it better than I do.
"He's a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine"
Pride and Prejudice

One of those books I've read and reread (mostly cos it's fun and easy reading I think) And I haven't watched the BBC production with Colin Firth, but I thought the movie was pretty good!
Maybe it was just loving a story you're so familiar with being played out, and being glad that Keira Knightley was so similar to the Elizabeth of my imagination. :)

Ok that's it, back to work. And I shall take JOY in doing work too!
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