Friday, October 14, 2005

everything's gonna be alright

Internet connection is back up miraculously! After spending hours (literally) on the phone (mostly not talking and listening to silly music) with the various parties involved in our very complicated internet setup package, yayyaygirls (haha!) is finally up again, and for reasons unknown to all mankind- unhelpful experts included. In the meantime, of course, I've learnt once again what a time-sucker the WWW can be. But I'm glad it's back.

I'm even glad-er that our agent has finally managed to get the whole wardrobe thing sorted out (albeit very slimily) I really hope the landlady doesn't think we're nasty, because he certainly made us out to be.

I've had to make too many too many phonecalls to helplines, hotlines over the past few days- I really hate having to force myself to be rude (admittedly sometimes I really just wanted to be but..) in order to get customer service personnel to be helpful. One thing, yes it seems to be the only way to solve the problem short-term, but it could just make them less willing to please (rude, demanding, not unreasonable but still bothersome) customers right?

Ahhhh, don't know what to do, what to do? Must learn full dependency on my Lord.

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